Monday, August 31, 2009

l.a. printer's fair

I've been interested in book and printing history since I started working in rare book libraries, and I love that the art of printing is still alive through modern artists' works. So I was pretty excited to discover that we moved to town just in time for the Los Angeles Printer's Fair held at the International Printing Museum in Carson last weekend. There were a number of vendors at the fair that day, many selling cards, handmade books, handmade papers, and other materials related to fine printing. The museum was also demonstrating some of its presses, including the Heidelberg Windmill (which was featured in the movie Seven Pounds). You can see a video of a Heidelberg Windmill in action here, although of course it's not the same as seeing it in person. The museum was selling a variety of old printing presses, and Jesse and I were disappointed that we weren't ready to buy yet (being that we live in a tiny apartment, and that we have no idea what we are doing). But it was fun to walk around and pick up business cards, many of which were works of art in themselves.

A highlight of the day for me was meeting Carolee Campbell of the Ninja Press. I have long admired her work, especially The Real World of Manuel Cordova, by Pulitzer-prize winning poet W.S. Merwin, which is letterpress-printed on handmade paper and features a vibrant river of color alongside the text. You can see a black and white photo of the book here. Carolee casually dropped into our conversation that she is married to Hector Elizondo...who knew?

As a side-note, Merwin's papers are held at the Rare Book & Manuscript Library where I worked before moving to California. I have Present Company, a book of his poetry, and I recommend it. Coincidentally, he'll be speaking at Pepperdine this fall, and I am very much looking forward to seeing him again.


  1. I love your blog!!! It'll be nice to keep up with what you're up to. Great pictures and I love the one of Yuki in the car. I like your bike, too--it's totally cute. :)

  2. Aha!! That last comment was from me (Carrie) but I couldn't figure out how to log in correctly. :) Now I get it.

  3. Yay for a new blog!!! I'm calling you. Today!!
