These weren't as hard to make as I expected, and they transported well to the Midwest for the holidays.
These weren't as hard to make as I expected, and they transported well to the Midwest for the holidays.
Blueberry Peach Cobbler
Best when peaches are in season - I made mine with fruit from the farmers' market.
Best when peaches are in season - I made mine with fruit from the farmers' market.
Green Beans with Bacon Vinaigrette
This is my pick for turning something perfectly healthy into something incredibly unhealthy. Yum! (And I don't even like bacon! Or green beans, for that matter.)
This is my pick for turning something perfectly healthy into something incredibly unhealthy. Yum! (And I don't even like bacon! Or green beans, for that matter.)
This one takes some time, but I looooove it.
Moroccan-Style Stuffed Acorn Squash
Just made these once, but I thought they were fun to make (and eat).
Just made these once, but I thought they were fun to make (and eat).
My New Favorite Chili
It's the cumin! And a lot of chili powder.
Several of these are from my two favorite food blogs:
Fresh 365
Smitten Kitchen
A new one I just started following:
Sassy Radish