I picked up business cards for all of the artists/designers that I really liked, and the next night I went through them and bookmarked a lot of the websites. I realized that many of them do not sell all of their products online, or if they do, they often charge more. It's really great to have the opportunity to go to shows like this and see the kind of creative activity taking place in this city. This year, I was particularly captured by the designs inspired by childhood - one of my purchases was a robot necklace. I also liked all of the creative re-uses of vintage objects (old couches made into purses!) and the pieces utilizing lots of color and pattern.
And now for a few of my favorites!
So cute! Loved these little earrings. Loved the way they were displayed. So sad they don't sell them online because I would buy MORE. You can check out all of the varieties here, and then feel sad that you can't buy any. :( The website says it's under construction, so maybe one of these days they'll be available for sale online. Yay for fun colors and patterns!
These felt necklaces are so charming and trendy. I love felt. :)

These aren't entirely my style, but I was pretty impressed at how well-done and fairly inexpensive these are. Each piece of jewelry is an original watercolor painting. Some of the images are pretty basic, but some are really creative. Of course the librarian must feature the books necklace!

Fun patterns for the kitchen!

Tiny hot dogs, hamburgers, creamsicles, ice cream cones, snow cones, slices of cake, pickles, pretzels and beer...all as jewelry! This booth made me so smiley. Ever since living in Japan, I am pretty obsessed with tiny things. Kawaii! I didn't buy anything, but I stopped by a few times to check it all out. The quality seemed really good, so I would recommend these for sure.
I'm always attracted by the clean lines of these plastic accessories. Check out the cassette tape on their website!
This group features jewelry made from cracked cymbals formerly used by Southern California bands. You can even choose which band's cymbals you want used for your piece of jewelry!
From Dust Design Co.'s "vice" line of jewelry. Even if I couldn't pull these off, I think they're really creative and I love how pretty the pieces are.

Jesse has bought a couple of t-shirts from this crew. They're a little wacky, but that's the fun of it.
Please note: all pictures are from the linked websites.
I've excluded my personal pictures from this post, as well as any of the many beautiful letterpress artists that were exhibiting. I'll try to catch those in another post!

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